Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 114-116: Snakes on a plane

Okay, not really but we had two exciting things happen this weekend that can work with that title. First, Nana arrived from Chicago for a week long visit! We are so happy to have her in town as we haven't seen her since our ski trip back in February!
Second, we had another run-in this weekend with California wildlife. To recap, since moving here we've come scarily close to a coyote, tarantulas and now a snake. I was hiking this weekend with the kids and kept thinking about how someone recently told me it's rattlesnake season. Side note: I'm a Midwestern girl. The idea that there are "seasons" for all kinds of terrifying animals is completely foreign to me.
Anyway, we were just wrapping up our uneventful hike when M said, "Look, Mommy! There's a big snake!" I turned my head and sure enough there was a huge black and yellow snake crawling along right next to our feet. Luckily the snake didn't seem to be too interested in us and I was able to grab the kids and jump leap back a few inches feet. I looked up the snake as soon as we got home and turns out it's harmless. Then, just to be safe, I looked up "What to do if you're bitten by a rattlesnake." Cliff notes takeaway: do not suck out the venom (that's a wives tale), stay calm and get to a hospital ASAP. You probably won't die. Noted.

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